Resources for Coordinators

This page lists links to TSCA Rescue’s official administrative forms and educational materials (such as job aides) that have been uploaded to the website.

This is a private page for the exclusive use of TSCA Rescue National and Regional Coordinators. Its URL does not appear on any public-facing web page. Never share the link to this page with anyone other than selected, authorized volunteers who have a need to know on a case by case basis.

Handbook and Excerpts

Note that the TSCA Rescue Handbook is always a work-in-progress. Revisions to update policies and procedures coincide with the reorganization begun in 2023 and ongoing process improvement.

Educational Materials for Public Use

These materials are suitable for distribution to adopters, prospective adopters, veterinary practices or other rescues and shelters. You may attach the pdf itself to emails as needed but do NOT send the link. For example, the Rule of 3’s is attached to the Adoption Packet email and Tibbie Tips is sent to another rescue or shelter with a Tibbie in its care.

Training for Coordinators and Volunteers

These PowerPoints are designed to be either presented by a trainer or self-taught. Click the link to download the PowerPoint to your computer.

    Unit 3 – Forms

    Unit 4 – Inquiries

    Unit 5 – Workflow

    • Lesson 5A – Finding Tibbies in Need
    • Lesson 5B – Breed Identification (under development)
    • Lesson 5C – Workflow – Tibbies in Shelter or Other Rescue (under development)
    • Lesson 5D – Workflow – Assists to Shelters or Other Rescues (under development)
    • Lesson 5E – Workflow – Tibbie Surrenders (under development)

    Unit 6 – In-Taking Tibbies

    • Lesson 6A – Surrender Requests (under development)
    • Lesson 6B – Shelter Transfers (under development)
    • Lesson 6C – Breeder Assists (under development)
    • Lesson 6D – Rescue Records (under development)

    Unit 7 – Fostering Tibbies

    • Lesson 7A – Temporary and Foster-to-Adopt Guidelines (under development)
    • Lesson 7B – Veterinary Protocol (under development)

    Unit 8 – Processing Applications for Tibbies

    • Lesson 8A – Procedures for Finding Applicants (under development)
    • Lesson 8B – Screening Applicants – Part 1 (Alert, PAQ, Reference Checks) (under development)
    • Lesson 8C – Screening Applicants – Part 2 (Home Visits) (under development)
    • Lesson 8D – Selecting Adopter and Finalizing Adoption (under development)
    • Lesson 8E – Post-Adoption (under development)

Internal Job Aides

These are checklists, job aides, or other educational materials for use by Coordinators and volunteers.

External (Public Use) Forms

These are forms for the use of the general public. Since they are for public use, their URLs also appear on the appropriate public-facing webpage(s). Links to the Prospective Adopter Questionnaire are on the main menu and on the Adoption page. Links to the Volunteer Application and Foster Home Questionnaire are on the Volunteer page, and the link to the Request to Surrender is on the Surrender page.

When submitted, public use forms automatically route to the website’s WordPress in Forms/Entries for that form. Only website admins (currently the National Coordinator and Advisor-at-Large) have access to the WordPress platform. In addition, the National Coordinator receives an email notification that includes the output of the form. These are next steps:

  • Regardless whether the form is related to a specific rescue, she saves a pdf of the form and stores it in the correct folder on Drive – either Applications (adopter applicants) or Volunteer Applications (volunteer or transporter applicants).
  • If the form is connected to a rescue (e.g., Prospective Adopter Questionnaire for a specific dog), she also forwards the email notification to the Regional Coordinator for the rescue. The Regional Coordinator sends an acknowledgment to the person who submitted the form.
  • If the form is not connected to a specific rescue (e.g., Prospective Adopter Questionnaire to get on the waiting list), she also sends the appropriate type of acknowledgment to the person who submitted the form (e.g., “welcome email,” “new volunteer”).

Internal (TSCA Rescue Use) Forms

These forms are for the use of Coordinators Only or authorized volunteers on a case-by-case basis. Their URLs do not appear on any public-facing web pages. Do not provide these links to anyone else.

When submitted, internal forms automatically route to the website’s WordPress in Forms/Entries for that form. Only website admins (currently the National Coordinator and Advisor-at-Large) have access to the WordPress platform. In addition, the National Coordinator receives an email notification that includes the output of the form. The National Coordinator

  • Regardless whether the form is related to a specific rescue, she saves a pdf of the form and stores it in the correct folder on Drive – either Applications (adopter applicants) or Volunteer Applications (volunteer or transporter applicants).
  • If the form is connected to a specific rescue (e.g., Home Visit), she also forwards the email notification to the Regional Coordinator for the rescue.